AutoCAD Map/FDO – Spatial Query with displayMngr plugin

Spatial QueryGenerally GIS-data is available on a complete other scale than CAD-users need for their projects.

Importing that GIS-dataset into a CAD-environment gives an overkill of data. It would be very useful to add connections to the feature layers in GIS, limited to the area needed for the project.

This is possible by using AutoCAD Map/FDO Data Connect and a Spatial Query. But this is not very user friendly. That is why vdPConsulting has developed a displayMngr plugin.

This is the workflow:

  • Make sure that the desirable feature layers are connected, by using a pre-defined template or so called .layer files.
  • Load the displayMngr plugin.
  • Start the command “filterWindow” or “filterCrossing”.
  • Indicate the desirable area by picking two points on the map.
  • The plugin creates the SQL filter statements and “inject” these into the definitions of the connected feature layers.

If you want more information about using AutoCAD Map/FDO and GIS-databases or the displayMngr plugin, please contact me.

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