OSGeo – The Open Source Geospatial Foundation


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology.

OSGeo projects

The projects listed here offer freely available tools and technologies under an open source license. 

A small selection of the large number of projects:

MapGuide Open Source & FDO

MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services. FDO Data Access Technology is an API for manipulating, defining and analysing geospatial information regardless of where it is stored.

MapGuide & FDO were Autodesk commercial products submitted to OSGeo in March 2006. 


QGIS is the leading Free and Open Source Desktop GIS. It allows you to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, macOS en Linux. 


GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java

AutoCAD Map/FDO – Spatial Query with displayMngr plugin

Spatial QueryGenerally GIS-data is available on a complete other scale than CAD-users need for their projects.

Importing that GIS-dataset into a CAD-environment gives an overkill of data. It would be very useful to add connections to the feature layers in GIS, limited to the area needed for the project.

This is possible by using AutoCAD Map/FDO Data Connect and a Spatial Query. But this is not very user friendly. That is why vdPConsulting has developed a displayMngr plugin.

This is the workflow:

  • Make sure that the desirable feature layers are connected, by using a pre-defined template or so called .layer files.
  • Load the displayMngr plugin.
  • Start the command “filterWindow” or “filterCrossing”.
  • Indicate the desirable area by picking two points on the map.
  • The plugin creates the SQL filter statements and “inject” these into the definitions of the connected feature layers.

If you want more information about using AutoCAD Map/FDO and GIS-databases or the displayMngr plugin, please contact me.

AutoCAD® Map 3D 2013 – what’s new

AutoCAD® Map 3D GIS and mapping software offers easier access to design, GIS, imagery, point cloud, and business information from a broad range of sources, including ESRI, Bentley, Oracle, GE, and other software providers. By using comprehensive data models for the gas, water, wastewater, and electric industries, you can organize disparate asset information and apply industry standards and business requirements to your data.

Convert GIS and CAD Data to Intelligent Industry Models
With AutoCAD® Map 3D 2013 software, GIS professionals, planners, and civil engineers can more easily create and manage intelligent industry models by converting GIS and CAD data. Users can populate a new industry model from FDO data sources or DWG™ files and map feature classes and attributes. Then, convert the data to a model and save the database as a DWG/DWT file for use in future projects.

AutoCAD Map 3D: Convert GIS and CAD Data to Intelligent Industry Models

Access to Industry Models in More Formats
GIS professionals, planners, and civil engineers can access industry models in Microsoft SQL Server with AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. With the enhanced FDO provider, users can work with enterprise industry models on SQL Server as they do Oracle® systems.

AutoCAD Map 3D: Access to Industry Models in More Formats AutoCAD Map 3D: Checkout Enterprise Industry Model Data

New FDO Provider for SpatiaLite

seen on Geoff’s blog – Between the Poles

King.SpatiaLite with AutoCAD Map 3DHaris Kurtagic of SL-King has just released a new FDO provider King.SpatiaLite for SpatiaLite.
SpatiaLite is an extension to SQLite to support spatial geometry and conforms to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.

Haris is an experienced FDO developer who has contributed FDO2FDO, for copying between FDO spatial data sources, as well as several FDO data providers including the King.Oracle open source Oracle provider, the King.Informix IBM Informix Dynamic Server provider and the King.KML provider for KML.

LandXplorer Studio Professional 2011 & LandXplorer Server 2011 – released!

seen on Chris & Lynda’s blog – At Land’s End

Autodesk has announced the release of LandXplorer Studio Professional 2011 and LandXplorer Server 2011. The focus of the release is the integration of data from geospatial, engineering including BIM, and 3D visualization applications such as Civil 3D, Map 3D, Topobase, Revit, and 3ds Max to create city-scale infrastructure models.

This release includes features such as:

  • LandXML import for Civil 3D compatibility
  • Fully configurable FDO interfaces
  • gbXML export to achieve sun shadow /heat studies of parts of city models using Autodesk Ecotect
  • FBX 1.x import and export
  • Improved terrain and city model import workflows, including terrain refinement
  • Improved measuring tools
  • 3D stylization
  • Vector to raster conversion
  • 3D dynamic web viewer client
  • Network license and license transfer utility