vdPClassify, ribbon toolbar functions

vdPClassify has been developed to provide information on DWG-elements to be stored in a migration scheme and also to capture the ‘mapping’ to the appropriate database tables and attributes. vdPClassify is a .NET utility available for various AutoCAD versions and can process a folder with AutoCAD & AutoCAD Map DWG’s and MicroStation DGN’s.

Toolkit functions

  • vdPClassifyAnalyse, writes contents of the drawing (entities, attributes, xdata, xrecord and objectdata) to XML and Excel.
  • vdPClassifyInfo, displays data (attribute, xdata, xrecord and / or objectdata) of an entity in an info screen.
  • vdPClassifyGMLexport, writes the current DWG to GML.
  • vdPClassifySHPexport, writes the current DWG to SHP.
  • vdPClassifyCADexport, writes the current DWG to a copy with a different structure.
  • vdPClassifyXLSexport, writes the current DWG to Excel.

Runtime functions

  • vdPClassifyGMLconversie, selects a folder with DWG/DGN’s and writes them one by one to GML files.
  • vdPClassifySHPconversie, selects a folder with DWG/DGN’s and writes them one by one to SHP files.
  • vdPClassifyCADconversie, selects a folder with DWG/DGN’s and writes them one by one to a copy with a different structure.
  • vdPClassifyXLSconversie, selects a folder with DWG/DGN’s and writes the content one by one to lists in Excel files.
  • vdPClassifyAbout, displays the About screen with user and license information.

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vdPClassify for NLCS

vdPClassify can also be used to convert existing DWG-files with their own layer coding to DWG-files compatible with NLCS (= Dutch CAD-standard for the GWW-sector). For this purpose, specific data-filters are created and property-filters for the conversion are set up.

During the analysis phase insight is gained into the current layer codings, used line types and block names. After that, a mapping is defined to the relevant NLCS-codes. When the control table is set up, the vdPClassify conversion function converts the existing structure quickly and reliably into an NLCS-structure in the DWG.

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vdPClassify, migration phase

vdPClassify has been developed to provide information on DWG-elements to be stored in a migration scheme and also to capture the ‘mapping’ to the appropriate database tables and attributes. vdPClassify is a .NET utility available for various AutoCAD versions and can process a folder with AutoCAD & AutoCAD Map DWG’s and MicroStation DGN’s.

From the vdPClassify analysis, the filters in the migration control table are made:

  • Is the layer name equal to “Cables_OV”?
  • Is there objectdata linked with the tablename “Cables”?
  • Then the object is a “Cable_OV” feature.

Next, information from the objects is read using powerful property filters.

  • Geometry from the coordinates.
  • Unique ID from AutoCAD handle.
  • Theme-name is directly in the control table.
  • Material from object data.
  • etc.

As an example, the result of one AutoCAD-polyline written to GML with limited IMKL-information.

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vdPClassify, analysis phase

vdPClassify has been developed to provide information on DWG-elements to be stored in a migration scheme and also to capture the ‘mapping’ to the appropriate database tables and attributes. vdPClassify is a .NET utility available for various AutoCAD versions and can process a folder with AutoCAD & AutoCAD Map DWG’s and MicroStation DGN’s.

The first step in a vdPClassify project is an onsite analysis of the CAD-drawingfiles. With the help of functions from the vdPClassify-toolkit, one of our consultants can analyze information about the drawing(s). Think of an overview of the layernames that are in use, what kind of elements are on these layers and is information linked to these elements in the form of xdata or objectdata. If a classification can be derived from the structure of the layernames, does color or linetype tell something about the status of the object, etc.

Based on this information, the smart data filters can be built with which the desired objects from the drawing(s) can be filtered.

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vdPClassify, introduction

vdPClassify has been developed to provide information on DWG-elements to be stored in a migration scheme and also to capture the ‘mapping’ to the appropriate database tables and attributes. vdPClassify is a .NET utility available for various AutoCAD versions and can process a folder with AutoCAD & AutoCAD Map DWG’s and MicroStation DGN’s.

vdPClassify is currently being used for data migration projects for the WIBON (= Information Exchange Act above and underground networks).
By means of smart data filters, objects from the drawings are filtered. Next, information from the objects is read using powerful property filters.

In general you can recognize objects in a CAD-drawing by a combination of entitytype and layername, linetype or blockname. With this combination the IMKL-objecttype can be determined. In addition, CAD-elements contain information in the form of blockattributes, xdata or object data. This information can be converted to IMKL-attributes.

vdPClassify consists of a consulting-toolkit. With which we can perform an onsite analysis, create a migration control table and write the data in the desired format.
Users can then independently perform the conversions using the vdPClassify-runtime.

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