vdPClassify has been developed to provide information on DWG-elements to be stored in a migration scheme and also to capture the ‘mapping’ to the appropriate database tables and attributes. vdPClassify is a .NET utility available for various AutoCAD versions and can process a folder with AutoCAD & AutoCAD Map DWG’s and MicroStation DGN’s.
From the vdPClassify analysis, the filters in the migration control table are made:
- Is the layer name equal to “Cables_OV”?
- Is there objectdata linked with the tablename “Cables”?
- Then the object is a “Cable_OV” feature.
Next, information from the objects is read using powerful property filters.
- Geometry from the coordinates.
- Unique ID from AutoCAD handle.
- Theme-name is directly in the control table.
- Material from object data.
- etc.
As an example, the result of one AutoCAD-polyline written to GML with limited IMKL-information.
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