Autodesk Developer Network ( ADN ) membership

Today I’ve applied for the Autodesk Developer Network ( ADN ) membership again.

Before I joined Autodesk, the DevTech engineers where an important source of information for me as application developer. Also in my time at Autodesk, they where ( together with Product Mngt and Product Support ) the first point of contact for technical questions.


Starting april 1st 2009 I’m working as self-employed consultant. From my new company ‘van der Pol-Consulting’ I will support governments and companies to optimize the Autodesk products.

After my employer Autodesk decided end 2008 to shut down several activities because of the crisis, I’ve decided to startup my own business.
I am confident to continue active in this branche, based on my knowledge and experience.

Meanwhile there are discussions with Autodesk and others in the GIS/Mapping world. These discussions will lead into a permanent co-operation and guarantee support to existing and new customers. There will be more lines open into Autodesk.

On my website/weblog I will keep you posted.

with regards,
Henny van der Pol
van der Pol-Consulting