AutoCAD for Mac Announced by Autodesk

AutoCAD® for Mac® software – it’s AutoCAD, for the Mac, bringing robust 3D free-form design tools and powerful drafting capabilities to your platform of choice. It takes full advantage of the Mac OS® X platform, with an intuitive, graphical user interface that makes it easy to bring your ideas to life. And because it’s AutoCAD, you’re working natively in DWG™ format, so you can easily share files with clients, suppliers, and partners around the world, regardless of platform.

Apple comes with ultra thin iPad

SAN FRANCISCO 27/01/2010 – Apple has introduced a new mobile device to push the upcomming products like netbooks and e-readers away. The iPad, a kind of mix between iPhone and MacBook.

Everyone was talking about it on their blogs or tweets
and Steve Jobs walks from the podium
and he comes walking back
and he says: ” one more thing … “

I’ve been watching his keynote speech last night and at a given moment I thought: ” I can see myself on the couch surfing the web, listening music, watching movies and reading an eBook “.
But is this iPad a professional device ? Is this something I could use during meetings ? Can I run my powerpoint presentations from it ? Mayby not ( yet ), because I cannot run my ” regular ” software, only iPhone and iPad apps.

But it is a phenomenal piece of technology and the hype around it is also marvellous !!
So who knows – next month I’m in Las Vegas 😉

Autodesk Announces Sketchbook Mobile for the iPhone

seen on Geoff’s blog – Between the Poles

Autodesk has announced SketchBook Mobile, an app for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch. SketchBook Mobile is a professional-level paint and drawing application designed for illustrators and artists. It will be available on the iPhone App Store worldwide.

SketchBook Mobile includes a set of sketching tools with the same paint engine as SketchBook Pro for digitally capturing ideas as napkin sketches.

AutoCAD on the Mac

I’ve seen the announcement on several blogs “Autodesk is now officially supporting AutoCAD 2010 on Mac“.
However if you read a little bit more further, than you’ll find out that AutoCAD is supported on BootCamp.

Mac OS X 10.5 - LeopardBootCamp is a Mac OS X 10.5 component, which allows you to install Windows XP or Vista on a seperate partition to run Windows apps. Those apps can make use of the Mac hardware processors, 3D graphics accelerators etc.
You have to re-boot to be able to switch between Mac OS and Windows.

Waiting on full Mac support, I would prefer VMware Fusion. This virtualization software allows running a Windows machine as guest on the Mac OS.