AutoCAD 2022 has recently been released including the industry-specific toolset for GIS and mapping. Then it’s the time of year again to tune the applications to it.
Set up a VMware machine and update Windows
Download, install & register AutoCAD Map 2022
Download, install & register Visual Studio 2019
Adjust Visual Studio project settings with references to 2022
vdPClassify2022 for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map available
vdPCADdesign2022 for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map available
Due to the legal obligation to digitally store sewer house connections, vdPConsulting recently delivered an implementation of vdPCADdesign.
The starting point was to increase the sewer-house connections in AutoCAD with which drawings can be made. The AutoCAD polylines and blocks are provided with additional information so that an export to GML-files can be performed. These files form input for the BOR system in which the sewage system of the entire municipality is managed.
vdPCADdesign has a simple user interface; an AutoCAD ribbon and some dialogs.
When adding new pipeline features, the properties must first be entered/selected in accordance with the datamodel, some of which are mandatory. Then the user can – as usual with a polyline – create the geometry. When closing the polyline, the pipe is drawn, on the correct NLCS-layer, with color and linetype. The Xdata-information is linked to it and a label is created. These labels “stick” to the pipes and when the location of the pipe is adjusted with regular AutoCAD functionality; grip edit, insert vertex etc. the labels are also adjusted.
There is a function to get an overview in table format of the different features. Similar to the AutoCAD Map datatable. It is also possible to export this table to Excel.
vdPCADdesign is a C#.NET utility and available for various AutoCAD-versions.
AutoCAD 2021 has recently been released including the industry-specific toolset for GIS and mapping. Then it’s the time of year again to tune the applications to it.
Set up a VMware machine and update Windows
Download, install & register AutoCAD Map 2021
Download, install & register Visual Studio 2019
Adjust Visual Studio project settings with references to 2021
vdPClassify2021 for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map available
vdPCADdesign2021 for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map available
GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.
vdPConsulting has investigated whether and how this GDAL/OGR functionality can be implemented in a C# plugin in AutoCAD.
As Proof of Concept II, the download of the BGT and BRK/DKK from the PDOK website has been implemented. Based on a project polygon, a location filter is created and sent to PDOK as a spatial query. The result is downloaded (as a ZIP-file) and extracted into the project folder and then imported into AutoCAD.
GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.
vdPConsulting has investigated whether and how this GDAL/OGR functionality can be implemented in a C# plugin in AutoCAD.
The import of the BGT/IMGeo is implemented as a Proof of Concept. Processed to NLCS-layers based on the features. At a later stage this can always be further broken down based on multiple properties. By keeping the fill and outline separated from each other, a simple Layer-command can be used to turn the fill off and switch to a line map. The software creates a set of Layer Filters for this purpose.