OSGeo – The Open Source Geospatial Foundation


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to foster global adoption of open geospatial technology.

OSGeo projects

The projects listed here offer freely available tools and technologies under an open source license. 

A small selection of the large number of projects:

MapGuide Open Source & FDO

MapGuide Open Source is a web-based platform that enables users to develop and deploy web mapping applications and geospatial web services. FDO Data Access Technology is an API for manipulating, defining and analysing geospatial information regardless of where it is stored.

MapGuide & FDO were Autodesk commercial products submitted to OSGeo in March 2006. 


QGIS is the leading Free and Open Source Desktop GIS. It allows you to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, macOS en Linux. 


GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java

GeoREST 1.0 Released

seen on Geoff’s blog – Between the Poles

The first major release of GeoREST has been announced by Jason Birch and Haris Kurtagic. GeoREST is a new open source RESTful framework that works with existing open source libraries such as MapGuide and FDO to publish and interact with geospatial data as web resources, in the tradition of FeatureServer and the ArcGIS REST API.

With GeoREST 1.0 you can enable search engines like Google and Bing to crawl your geospatial data, dynamically publish to KML, GeoRSS or any other text based format, and use web forms to search and update your data. All of this functionality is available entirely through configuration…no programming is required! For some practical examples, here are two sites, in Nanaimo, BC and Slovenia, that have been using GeoREST in a production environment for over nine months, with great improvements in the accessibility of their data.

GeoREST is an independent open source project licensed under the LGPL. It is hoped that GeoREST will be integrated with the MapGuide project in the future. It is available for installation on the Windows platform using either the GeoREST built-in webserver or IIS. An overview of GeoREST was presented at FOSS4G 2009 in Sydney.