OSGeo – GDAL/OGR import BGT/IMGeo (continuation)

GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.

vdPConsulting has investigated whether and how this GDAL/OGR functionality can be implemented in a C# plugin in AutoCAD.

As Proof of Concept II, the download of the BGT and BRK/DKK from the PDOK website has been implemented. Based on a project polygon, a location filter is created and sent to PDOK as a spatial query. The result is downloaded (as a ZIP-file) and extracted into the project folder and then imported into AutoCAD.

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OSGeo – GDAL/OGR import BGT/IMGeo

GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.

vdPConsulting has investigated whether and how this GDAL/OGR functionality can be implemented in a C# plugin in AutoCAD.

The import of the BGT/IMGeo is implemented as a Proof of Concept. Processed to NLCS-layers based on the features. At a later stage this can always be further broken down based on multiple properties. By keeping the fill and outline separated from each other, a simple Layer-command can be used to turn the fill off and switch to a line map. The software creates a set of Layer Filters for this purpose.

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OSGeo – GDAL/OGR in vdPClassify and vdPCADdesign

GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.

vdPConsulting has investigated whether and how this GDAL/OGR functionality can be implemented in a C# plugin in AutoCAD.

In vdPCADdesign, it is now possible to export CADdesign-objects to GML, GeoJSON, GeoPackage and ESRI Shape files. For reading from the same files, CADdesign-objects are expected to write them as objects in the drawing.

Also in vdPClassify it is now possible to export Classify-objects to GML, GeoJSON, GeoPackage and ESRI Shape files. For reading in from the same files, generic functions have been implemented in the vdPClassify-toolkit that read in the points, lines and polygons and create them as generic AutoCAD Points, Polylines and Closed Polylines in the drawing.

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GDAL is a C++ translator library for more than 200 raster and vector geospatial data formats. It offers an API for a variety of languages such as C, C++, Python, Perl, C# and Java.

In the Visual Studio development environment it is possible to download NuGet packages. These are open source development libraries you can simply add to your .NET project.

A number of NuGet packages are available for GDAL. In addition to the complete GDAL environment, so-called .NET wrappers are installed with which C# functions in the underlying GDAL C++ DLLs can be called.

vdPConsulting is currently investigating the possibilities to implement GDAL/OGR functionality in a C# plugin in AutoCAD to export data to and import from GML, GeoJSON, GeoPackage and ESRI Shape files.

Drawing classified pipeline networks with drawingAssistant

Oasen drinkwater, a water company manages its pipeline network in DiaGIS, a GIS management system developed by SPIE Technology. In addition to managing the existing network, they make drawings for maintenance or enhancements to the network. The physical work on the network is performed by contractors.

These contractors are obliged to survey the new pipelines and to create an asbuild AutoCAD drawing for the water company. Currently, only the locations of the pipes are returned, not the attribute information such as material, diameter, etc. When processing these revision drawings into the GIS management system, often questions from the engineer to the contractor emerge and it takes relatively much time before the network is up-to-date in the GIS management system.

drawingAssistant userinterface formOasen drinkwater wants to optimize this process and SPIE Technology came to vdPConsulting requesting the development of an AutoCAD plugin; drawingAssistant.

When the plugin is loaded into AutoCAD at first an XML configuration file is processed. This file is created by DiaGIS and contains all objects and their attributes necessary for the contractor to create the asbuild drawings. Then the plugin dynamically creates the user interface form that adapts itself when another object is selected from the list of possible objects. When the corresponding attributes are provided with the correct values, the object can be drawn. The plugin also checks first if all mandatory attributes are filled in.

Often measurements are captured by surveying instruments and the pipes are drawn as “ordinary” AutoCAD polylines in the drawing. The drawingAssistant plugin has, besides the drawing functions, also functionality to classify such a polyline as pipe including the desired attributes.

To exchange data with the GIS management system, the plugin has an export function to GML. DiaGIS has a GML import function which handles the revisions directly. Of course, the engineer has to check the result afterwards, but delivery of the revisions is simplified and the GIS management system is faster up-to-date.

If you want more information about the drawingAssistant plugin, please contact me.