AutoCAD Malicious Code / Virus Alert “acad.vlx” and Solution

seen on Shaan’s blog – Between the Lines

viral biohazardThere is a virus being reported by a couple AutoCAD based product customers. The original virus first popped up in 2005 and was very limited but has been changed slightly. Some antivirus software does detect this virus and remove it. See below for the link to the technical solution.

The virus spreads simply by someone placing the malicious acad.vlx in a directory with the DWG files or a support path location being opened and then spreads from there into open DWG files and by replicating itself.

AutoCAD Map/FDO ESRI ArcSDE vs AutoCAD Map/FDO Oracle Spatial

Before AutoCAD Map can make an FDO-connection into ESRI ArcSDE server, there have to be 3 so called DLL’s ( pe.dll, sde.dll and sg.dll ) copied into the “AutoCAD Map software”/FDO/bin-folder.

Using “Map Display Manager => Data => Connect to Data” to add an ArcSDE connection in the Data Connect UI. In this connection screen the server name and instance needs to be entered and after that the username/password of a registered ArcSDE-user.

Map will research, with the ArcSDE-credentials of that user, which feature-tables are available and analyse those tables to determine the correct structure. Note: if the ArcSDE-user has full access to the database, than this analyse will take longer – take care that the user has restricted credentials only for the desired tables for a better performance.

After this analyse the list with available features will be displayed and the user can select one or mutiple tables to connect to the Map-session. Next the data is displayed, with the option to filter on location and/or attributes.

AutoCAD Map/FDO <=> Oracle Spatial
Before AutoCAD Map can make an FDO-connecton into an Oracle 9i or 10g Spatial server, there have to be an Oracle 10g Client ( or an Instant Client ) installed on the Map-machine. Besides that Map needs Oracle Workspace Manager to be installed on the Oracle server – this is used for Long Transactions and Versioning.

Using “Map Display Manager => Data => Connect to Data” to add an Oracle connection in the Data Connect UI. In this connection screen the service name needs to be entered and after that the username/password of a registered Oracle-user.

Map will search by default for FDO-schema’s ( tables with FDO-metadata ) and display these in the DataStore overview. Map can analyse also schema’s without FDO-metadata en determine the structure ( comparable with the description above for ArcSDE ).

After this the list with available features will be displayed and the user can select one or mutiple tables to connect to the Map-session. Next the data is displayed, with the option to filter on location and/or attributes.

see also: Direct access to Spatial Data using FDO-technology

ArcGIS for AutoCAD vs AutoCAD Map/FDO

ArcGIS for AutoCADArcGIS for AutoCAD is a free of charge downloadable plugin from ESRI, currently available for AutoCAD 2007, 2008 and 2009.
With this functionality AutoCAD users have access to the ArcGIS Server Map Services and the desired map will be shown as an image behind the CAD-data.
The styling of the map is done by the server and the user can get info about the GIS-attributes.
This functionality is view only and doesn’t allow editting of the ArcGIS-data by AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Map/FDO is functionality to connect directly to for example an ESRI ArcSDE server and is available for AutoCAD Map 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010.
With this functionality AutoCAD Map users can make a selection of the GIS-feature classes they would like to connect to in their CAD-environment. These are not displayed as an image, but as vector data. That makes it possible to “snap” to them in drawing mode.
The styling of the map can be done by using AutoCAD Map Display Manager. The GIS-attributes are available in a so called Data Table, where you can select a record to highlight the corresponding object in the map ( and vise versa ).
This functionality allows you also to edit the ArcGIS-data by AutoCAD Map.

see also: Direct access to Spatial Data using FDO-technology

Direct access to Spatial Data using FDO-technology

Direct access to Spatial Data in an open structures stored by other software or processes in files and databases is very important for a flexible organization.

For example AutoCAD Map can combine design drawings from AutoCAD or AutoCAD Civil 3D with available data from other systems.

FDO overviewAutoCAD Map can connect to Oracle Spatial, ESRI ArcSDE, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL databases. There are also FDO-providers to connect to file based datasource, like SDF, ESRI Shape and several raster-formats. And also FDO-providers that enables Map to connect to OGC-webservices.

Some FDO-provincers are developed by Autodesk, some by the opensource community.
Goto for more info about the opensource FDO-technology.