MapGuide Enterprise 2011 and Topobase Web 2011 WMS v1.1.1 Certified

seen on Geoff’s blog – Between the Poles

Autodesk has announced that MapGuide Enterprise 2011 and Topobase Web 2011 have been certified as compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) v1.1.1.

WMS enables interoperability with WMS consuming applications. For an increasing number of organizations, especially in the government sector, WMS is the industry standard for sharing GeoSpatial information.

AutoCAD blocks as MapGuide 6.5 symbols

Last week I got the following question: “how can I use AutoCAD blocks as MapGuide 6.5 symbols ?

In the current system configuration, AutoCAD drawings are exported into several SDF-files and Access-tables. The texts and point-objects are exploded first to be exported into lines. It was never necessary to define point-symbols for MapGuide.

Currently the drawings are migrated into Oracle Spatial ( as part of a BGT-project ). The texts and point-objects are stored as Points in the database. The matching texts become attributes and can be displayed as labels. However for the point-symbols they would like to have the same symbols as in CAD, to give the map the same look and feel in the web-viewer.

MapGuide 6.5 has a Symbol Manager utility, to build a library of symbols.
AutoCAD has an Export command, to export AutoCAD blocks into WMF-files.

This solved the question.