AutoCAD on the Mac

I’ve seen the announcement on several blogs “Autodesk is now officially supporting AutoCAD 2010 on Mac“.
However if you read a little bit more further, than you’ll find out that AutoCAD is supported on BootCamp.

Mac OS X 10.5 - LeopardBootCamp is a Mac OS X 10.5 component, which allows you to install Windows XP or Vista on a seperate partition to run Windows apps. Those apps can make use of the Mac hardware processors, 3D graphics accelerators etc.
You have to re-boot to be able to switch between Mac OS and Windows.

Waiting on full Mac support, I would prefer VMware Fusion. This virtualization software allows running a Windows machine as guest on the Mac OS.

Autodesk organize exclusive pressconference during GSDI Conference in Rotterdam

Autodesk, Inc., vendor of 2D- en 3D-software among which solutions for geo-IT, organize on friday, juni 19th at 11.30 an exclusive press conference at the WTC in Rotterdam. This press conference takes place during the GSDI 11 World Conference, sponsored by Autodesk, that takes place from juni 15th until 19th.

The GSDI Conference has the theme “Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Building SDI Bridges to Address Global Challenges”. With speakers like Jacqueline Cramer, Ahmed Aboutaleb and Cees Veerman and a big number of foreign contributers from the world of Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Autodesk, with products like AutoCAD Map 3D, Autodesk MapGuide, and AutoCAD Civil 3D for years a big player in the marketplace of CAD and GIS, organize the press conference to inform the public about a couple of important new developments and products in the world of CAD, geo-IT and SDI, among which;
– Autodesk’s vision on ‘Infrastructure Modelling’ and geo-information in general, as well as the worldwide trends and challenges in the world of engineering.
– The developments around ‘Digital Cities’, a concept of Autodesk to integrate planning, engineering and maintenance of big town planning projects.
– LandXplorer – the first step into the Digital Cities-concept, software that allows very detailed visualization of projects or developments
– Topobase – an all-embracing asset management-system for underground and overhead utilitynetworks.

During this press conference Dr. Josef Strobl, one of the important researchers in the Digital Cities pilot-project in Salzburg, will present the ins and outs of this initiative.
Autodesk-specialist Miikka Arala, Head of Marketing Geospatial/Strategic accounts/Platform, will present the general vision and the 2D- and 3D-solutions from Autodesk and will focuss on the Infrastructure Modelling solutions.
Henny van der Pol, Senior Consultant at Van der Pol-Consulting and former Technical Sales Manager at Autodesk EMEA, will focus on Topobase.
Konstantin Baumann, Senior Software Development Manager and one of the founders of 3D Geo, will present LandXplorer.
After the press conference there is plenty of time for one-on-one discussions with the speakers.


Autodesk, as platinum sponsor, has of course a booth at the GSDI 11 World Conference. Besides that the software-vendor plays an important role at the Geo Youth Capital-conference, which as well takes place at juni 19th.The GYC is part of the GSDI 11 World Conference, and gives students the opportunity to see presentations from specialists in the area of geo-IT and climate, the nature, the safety, the economy and the prevention of criminality. On Geo Youth Capital Henny van der Pol presents in the name of Autodesk a mini-masterclass about ‘Digital Cities’.