Working as a sub-contractor for Autodesk Consulting France

Autodesk Consulting France is working on a project for the Assemblée Nationale to migrate 164 facility management drawings into an Oracle database. vdPConsulting is involved in the project as sub-contractor because of their extended knowledge of AcClassify.

These drawings are interior maps of buildings, where the offices, meeting rooms, hallways, restrooms, etc. are displayed as closed polylines on a certain layer. Within such a space a block is drawn, in which attributes like for example roomnumbers are stored.

AcClassify identifies these areas and finds the containing blocks & attributes, then these areas are written to the database as polygon objects. The information from the attributes are stored as properties of these polygons. In addition, all other lines, blocks and texts are stored as lines and points to be used as background information in the new drawings. These new drawings will be displayed in a web viewer.