In my previous post I was talking about a CSWclient prototype. During the Autodesk EMEA GeoSpatial TechCamp2008 in Disneyland Paris, I’ve presented an SDI workflow demo on mainstage.
A city is planning a new housing area and has to extend the existing water, gas and electricity networks.
On the existing basemap they have planned the new houses and streets, and from the utility company they would like to add the existing infrastructure to connect the new utility design.
With the CSWclient they ask the SDI from the utility company about available maps in the area ‘Kouwenhovenselaan’.
The response from the SDI – a list with references to available maps – is used to connect the maps to the AutoCAD Map work-session.
The trenches for the new utilities go to the contractor, who returns an as-built drawing with the exact location after the construction has finished.
On this kind of CAD-drawings the contractor is using texts to mark the used materials and diameters.
It is important to migrate not only the location information, but also materials and diameters into the utility maintenance database.
With a special function in AcClassify it is possible to find texts on a certain layer within a buffer around the lines.
These text values are written as diameter attributes into the database.