Working as a sub-contractor for Autodesk Consulting France

Autodesk Consulting France is working on a project for the Assemblée Nationale to migrate 164 facility management drawings into an Oracle database. vdPConsulting is involved in the project as sub-contractor because of their extended knowledge of AcClassify.

These drawings are interior maps of buildings, where the offices, meeting rooms, hallways, restrooms, etc. are displayed as closed polylines on a certain layer. Within such a space a block is drawn, in which attributes like for example roomnumbers are stored.

AcClassify identifies these areas and finds the containing blocks & attributes, then these areas are written to the database as polygon objects. The information from the attributes are stored as properties of these polygons. In addition, all other lines, blocks and texts are stored as lines and points to be used as background information in the new drawings. These new drawings will be displayed in a web viewer.

AcClassify Workflow utility ( update )

AcClassify Workflow utilityAt one of the migration projects where I am involved, the source data is managed in AutoCAD Map and there must be a regular update of the data posted into an Oracle Spatial database. From this Oracle database the large scale data is shared with the GIS-department and used for web-applications. To support this migration process I have developed an AcClassify Workflow utility.

The customer – a Dutch province – has stored their large scale basemaps in DWG-files into a very detailed folder structure on a fileserver. For each provincial road there is a sub-folder, with topografie but also other sub-folders with DWG’s for the theme’s like roadsigns and green management etc.

The Workflow utility – a C# application, that runs inside AutoCAD Map – gives in the UI the possibility to select the roadnumber, the option to delete old data from that roadnumber from Oracle and to upload the new data into Oracle using AcClassify.

If this is an update, than de utility will remove the old data from that roadnumber from their respective feature tables ( for roads, water, buildings etc. ) using SQL Delete statements. Next the utility creates the necessary AcClassify config XML-files ( adding roadnumber, Oracle schema-name etc. ). Than the AcClassify process is started using API-functionality.

With this the workprocess, with a lot of manual action, is reduced to a userfriendly AcClassify Workflow utility.

New : there is an update of this utility that starts the AcClassify process using API-functionality

Autodesk Consulting Services Partners

I recently got the following invitation:
This year, Autodesk has expanded its Channel Services Program to EMEA, now offering selected companies in the region the opportunity to become Autodesk Consulting Services Partners and access additional support from Autodesk in growing a consulting business. Your regional Autodesk sales team has nominated your company as a qualified potential member and we would like to invite you to find out more about becoming a Consulting Services Partner.

I am happy with this initiative, because that give me more access to specific methodologies, tools and training from Autodesk Consulting.
It also brings me in contact with other members of this services program community and as a result working on international projects again. I was already contacted for a project in Russia, but that was out of my scope of expertise.