5 years ago ( march 2009 ) started as selfemployed professional, today ( march 2014 ) the sole proprietorship has been transformed into a private limited liability company; van der Pol-Consulting bv
Newsmail juni 2009
For some of you old news, for others a surprise, but from april 1st 2009 I’m working as selfemployed consultant. Please click here for the announcement which I send by email in march.
In the last months I’ve had several engagements for several customers – different in nature & size.
Here is an overview of the projects that have been closed or still on-going:
– | Supporting a CAD-data migration project into Oracle Spatial using AcClassify Enterprise for the WION. |
– | Workshop about using AutoCAD Map/FDO-functionality in combination with Oracle Spatial. |
– | Workshop about using AutoCAD Map in combination with TopoCAD and NGdW. |
– | Writing a customer case story about a pilot project AutoCAD Map/FDO into Oracle Spatial using AcClassify. About system-independent single data storage. About a succesfull pilot that has gone into production. |
– | Research and report the consequences of an upgrade the a newer version of AutoCAD Map and Civil. |
– | Writing an opinion article about Informatiemodel Geografie ( IMGeo ). |
– | Presenting a Geo Youth Capital masterclass during the GSDI conference in Rotterdam. Next to it, I’m invited as guestspeaker during an Autodesk pressconference at GSDI. |
– | Supporting a CAD-data migratie project into Oracle Spatial using AcClassify. |
– | Workshop about using MapGuide as WMS/WFS service. |
In the next newsmail I will dive a little deeper into some projects. Please get in contact in the meantime.
best regards,
Henny van der Pol
van der Pol-Consulting
Starting april 1st 2009 I’m working as self-employed consultant. From my new company ‘van der Pol-Consulting’ I will support governments and companies to optimize the Autodesk products.
After my employer Autodesk decided end 2008 to shut down several activities because of the crisis, I’ve decided to startup my own business.
I am confident to continue active in this branche, based on my knowledge and experience.
Meanwhile there are discussions with Autodesk and others in the GIS/Mapping world. These discussions will lead into a permanent co-operation and guarantee support to existing and new customers. There will be more lines open into Autodesk.
On my website/weblog I will keep you posted.
with regards,
Henny van der Pol
van der Pol-Consulting